Capt. John J. Sax Aviation Scholarship Recipient Spotlight: Luke Aagaard

A man standing next to an airplane on top of a runway.

Thank you to our generous supporters who have allowed our memorial foundation in honor of Capt. John J. Sax to be possible. Today we’re grateful to spotlight Capt. Sax Scholarship awardee Luke Aagaard. Much like Capt. John Sax, Luke’s early experiences attending Air Shows and exploring Aviation Museums ignited an unwavering passion for flight. Currently pursuing an Aerospace Engineering Degree, Luke is concurrently working on his Private Pilot Certificate, aspiring to contribute to the design and construction of safer and more efficient aircraft.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Luke actively engages as a member of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics). In the spring of 2022, he presented on “Disk Loading and High-Speed VTOL Designs†at the AIAA Region II student conference in Atlanta, GA. His presentation delved into the history of vertical lift aircraft and the contemporary developments in the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) program, spotlighting the Bell V280 and Sikorsky S97.

An additional remarkable aspect of Luke’s journey is his connection to the legacy of the Purple Foxes through his father. It’s evident that the passion for flight instilled by his father also came with a profound understanding of unwavering dedication. During our call to Luke to notify him of his selection for a scholarship, we made sure to echo a heartfelt “Give A Shit.â€

Undoubtedly, John would have enjoyed the opportunity to meet Luke. On behalf of everyone at the Capt. Sax Foundation, we’re deeply thankful to continue our mission of honoring Capt. John Sax through aviation scholarships. We eagerly anticipate celebrating Luke’s future milestones, grateful for the knowledge that John’s spirit will accompany him throughout his endeavors.

As a reminder, our next cutoff date for aviation scholarship applications is May 15, 2024. The application form can be found on our website, at